Katahdins are a shedding breed of sheep developed during the 1980’s. They have been considered a maternal breed with excellent meat qualities. A medium size, they are excellent for smaller sized homesteads or organic farmers; but really they fit in anywhere from cold to hot climates.
We farm NW of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and it is good grazing country with some barley or oats grown for feed. Our land is edging boreal forest and our summer short so hay is put up for winter feed. Snow is not necessarily deep but can be at times so I appreciate the availability of heavy equipment to move it out. The Katahdin breed has proven extremely hardy growing a thick dense coat and living for the most part, by choice, outdoors in sheltered areas.
Lambs sales for meat are direct and orders can be delivered to Edmonton or local. It must be good because repeat customers return every year and add new customers from their friends.
Breeding stock is mostly sold from the year’s lamb crop. Rams kept intact can be selected from those that outshine their siblings. Ewe lambs also hand picked for breeding passing on their dams mothering skills. Since breeding commences in March, the lambs won’t be ready for leaving till closer to June or July onwards.
Love to see visitors if they let us know first and encourage anyone getting into sheep raising to check out a few producers first.